
Tuesday, May 24, 2016

SwissDiet Buzzz

My new buzz with Buzzador is Swiss Diet. The main idea behind it is to make you feel full(er) so when you eat, you actually eat less. Basically you take the SwissDiet Gel three times a day before you eat with lots of water. This has been a bit difficult to buzz as I would need more time to actually see results. What I can tell you is, is that the gel tastes like berries. The taste is quite strong at first, but as you are drinking lots of water at the same time the taste is not overpowering. The serving size is not big and it does not replace any meals. So you eat normally or use it as support when dieting.

Main thing is to remember to drink a lot of water as the gel contains lots of fiber. And you know what fiber does to you! The packing is good. You have separate portion packets that are in a daily packet. So you will know what you have taken. I have had no trouble opening the packets by hand, but you can use scissors if you like. Also I have taken them at work as well, and have had no trouble at all. I do have noticed that I am hungry more often, but that is most likely because I have started to drink a lot more water because of this diet. Drinking water is good for you.

I see no harm in this, alas it is too soon to say if it has worked for me. If you exercise and need more fiber in your daily diet, than you might want to consider Swiss Diet!

Friday, May 1, 2015

It does come off!

I tried it! The paint spots do come off! First I have to admit, that I used the highest setting of the steam on wooden floor. I would not recommend it normally, but for removing the paint spots yes.  I might have given a bit too much water for the floor momentarily, but there is not permanent damage (it is all dried up now). The paint does need quite a bit of steam to get moving. I did use a fingernail on some, but they just popped out right away. I tried before, but the paint was stuck! Not moving anywhere unless I wanted to scratch the floor. 

Now I feel stupid for not taking pictures of the paint drips on the floor. Well they were small drops, so I would have had to taken the picture quite close anyway. Just believe me the paint is gone! I am so happy right now about it. As they had started to bug me (I have lived here for 1,5 months now) but I thought I just had to live with them. Yes! Victory dance....!

I know the steam mop was not designed for it, but I think I might try steaming my bed next... Just because I think it is possible! Oh, and the sofa! I promise I will take pictures next time.

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Presenting Vileda to friends part two

First time my friends traveld to meet me, and this time I am showing the Vileda steam to my local friends. The event started with some coffee and chit chat. Then I told about buzzing and being a buzzador. At first the audience was not very thrilled, but after I assured them that I was only introducing them to the product and they did not need to buy anything from me, the mood relaxed.

So first I showed the Vileda steam mop, and put it on. It is ready to use so fast! I continued to show how the mop is used on top of the carpet as this usually causes most amazement. Then I moved to the floor. This time I did not get anyone to try it as they were already amazed by it. One of my friends asked me to come over with the Vileda steam mop, so we could test it at her place. Other was thinking that she should get but first she would need to talk with her boyfriend about it.

I have to admit that I am surprised how easily people are impressed by the Steam mop. I know the power of steam and I wish to have more (e.g. windows needs to be cleaned...) so it is surprising to me that people still doubt how good just water steam can be. Next testing will the paint come off...

Monday, April 27, 2015

Presenting Vileda to friends

During the weekend I had friends coming over. This was the perfect time to show them the new steam mop. I am glad that the mop arrived in time! Otherwise I would not have been able to present it to my friends. First we made and had a brunch at my place and chit chatted a pit. One of my friends had tested a steam mop that I had before (which I have lost as I have moved quite a lot). She had not liked the previous version so she was interested on Vileda. 

First I talked about what it does and showed how the Vileda moves on a carpet. Soon one of my friends wanted to test the mop herself. She was surprised how easy it was to move the mop on top of the carpet. She then continued to test it on floor. We saw that the wetness dry quite fast on the floor. Unfortunately I had not yet received the friend code so I was not able to give them it. I promised to send it to them as soon as I would receive it. 

All in all, my friends were pleasantly surprised by the Vileda Steam mop. It gave a smooth ride on both the carpet and on the floor. Next I am inviting another friend over to test it as well. I have spotted some paint spots on my floor, and I am thinking of trying to get rid of them with the mop. (I read somewhere that the steam might get the paint off from the floor.)

Sunday, April 26, 2015

First test of Vielda Steam

Test on floor
 First I tested the Vileda Steam on my floors. I have a bit of dry environment here, so I know the steam can only do good. Other reason why I wanted to test this, was to see if I can control the dust flying around (due to the dry air). The mop handles well on my opinion on the floor. The triangle shape is a dream compared to one of my relatives version of a steam mop, as this goes to the corner very well. No problem with the floor, it dries up quite fast as I use the lowest steam setting. 

Test on a carpet
 I have this thick carpet which I was given by my aunt (with two dogs) and I have been wishing to be able to steam it up. I has not been in use for a year at least and before that it has been rolled up in her apartment. So it needed some freshening up. Due to the color of it, I was not able to see any visible change while I was cleaning it.
Turn baby turn
 While on the carpet I also tested how well did it turn on the carpet. It worked well on the floor, no need to use force. On carpet a bit of force is needed, but not much. The nozzle thingy turns well and the whole thing slides on the carpet. I also think you can see the green light quite well (as can be seen from the pictures.)

Green light!
I would love to share a discount link to this with you, but unfortunately I have not yet received it.

Saturday, April 25, 2015

I got a packet!

Well it took its sweet time before I got my Vileda steam mop. Not until Friday did I receive the message that there was a packet waiting for me at the near by post office. The near by post office just happened to be in downtown Tampere, which meant that I would have to carry the packet through the city to bus and all the way home. So I went to pick it up and the first reaction to the Vileda I got already at the post office. Oh yeah the packet was not wrapped or anything, it just had a plastic slip that had my address. This meant that everyone would see it, thus the post lady could be intreguead about my Vileda.
Vileda Stam mop packet
 The packet was a bit more bigger than I had expected. The packet is about 69 cm high. The packet got some extra free visibility as I walked through Tampere with it. The handle was a nice touch, but as I on the smaller size (hight wise) it was really difficult to carry. I had to keep my hand in an angle to carry it from the handle. I would have placed the handle on a side, so everyone could carry it.

The handle and some damage on the packet
 The packet had experienced some damage, but not much. All damage was cosmetic in my opinion. I was surprised to see that the hatch on top was not taped or anything. Not that I mind that it wasn't as now it was really easy to open!

 The box is open! Then I tried to pull it out nicely, only to notice that all I got was a piece of cardboard. So I decided to take it out not so nicely and with a bit of force. I was not able to pull it out easily and I did not want to break the package either. At least not yet. So I did what everyone else would have done and turned the packet upside down... The first parts came out easily, but the bottom ones I had to help out with a hand. 

A mess pile
 The items included everything it said it would, so I did not need to complain and order a new one.

Items in order
 The items included a handle, the machine part, the floor part, the cleaning wipes and carpet thingy, cup and instructions in many languages. Next stage is showing the parts to you. So enjoy the next few pictures of the parts!

The floor thingy from bottom

The floor thingy from up and wipe attached

The floor thingy set on a carpet with the carpet thingy

Handle. A long, long handle.

Measurement cup

The motor part or vapor part. Either or!

Snap! You can hear a click (very tiny click) when you push it down. Snaps with out force, just pushed it down.

Click. This one needs a bit more force, but was also quite easy to snap in place

Close up of the read part
 What I like about this already is the option to control the steam. When I opened the big red button cap, I noticed that there was some liquid inside already. I assume it is because someone has tested that this really works. How professional!
Here it is all up
Well here it is with the wire up also!
The wire does not seem to be that long. Quick test showed me that I can clean my living room with it and then I will need to change the socket. I would say my living room is about 20m2 if that helps with you. So here it is! My Vileda Steam mop unboxed and assembled. Next I will tell you how my first test with this went, and then how the Buzz to my friends went.

Monday, April 20, 2015

Buzz is coming soon!

I will be buzzing about Vileda Steam mop soon! I am waiting for it to arrive via post any day now. Well I ordered it on Friday, so it will arrive on Wednesday, I'd assume. As I have not buzzed about anything for a while, I decided to announce the next buzz before hand and wake y'all readers up a bit. 

Here is a picture of the Vileda Steam mop (I copied the picture from Hobby Hall's site as I ordered it from there: 

 I will next post pictures  about the unboxing and first impression of it. So stay tuned! I would do video, but unfortunately I only have my smart phone, so the quality would be really poor. I might try it at first, but if it is really rubbish than I'll upload only pictures.